Defence Era Vocab. Digest

 Defence Era Vocab. Digest 


1. Castigating (Verb) – फटकारना

🔶Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.

🔷Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish

🔥Antonyms: praise, commend

👮Usage: "he was castigated for not setting a good example"

2. Rampage (Noun) - �हसात्मक आचरण

🔶Meaning: a period of violent and uncontrollable behaviour by a group of people.

🔷Synonyms: berserk, out of control, wild

🔥Antonyms: calmness, delight, pleasure

👮Usage: "thugs went on the rampage and wrecked a classroom"

3.  Ransacked (Verb) – तोड़फोड़ करना 

🔶Meaning: go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage.

🔷Synonyms: plunder, pillage, steal from

🔥Antonyms: cleaned, found, gave

👮Usage: "burglars ransacked her home"

4. Referendum (Noun) - जनमत संग्रह

🔶Meaning: a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.

🔷Synonyms: public vote, plebiscite, popular vote

🔥Antonyms: unilateral decision

👮Usage: I had many such experiences at meetings and discussions in the lead-up to the referendum.

5.  Woes (Noun) - दःखु , संकट

🔶Meaning: great sorrow or distress (often used hyperbolically).

🔷Synonyms: misery, sorrow, distress

🔥Antonyms: happiness, joy

👮Usage: "the Everton tale of woe continued"

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